Thursday, March 6, 2014


ISLAM >> Introduction>>

If one want to under stand the life history, teachings, mission, message of HUZOOR GHARIB NAWAZ (R.A) which spreaded the message of universal brother hood and peace in India it is very necessary to know something about ISLAM and SUFISM which is the essence of ISLAM so the beginning of this WEB SITE deals with the subject on ISLAM and SUFISM.

The Prophet (S.A.W):

Allah has sent Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.) (peace be upon him), the last prophet of Islam, as Rahmatul-lil-Alamin (Mercy for the entire creation) and not for any specific community.

Dr. Bhagwan Das rightly points out that the word Islam is indeed, by itself, the very essence of religion. Derived from Salam (peace, shanti) it means peaceful acceptance of God. Extolling the unity of man since the beginning of creation, the Quran explains “Mankind” were one community, then they differed among themselves, so Allah sent prophets to announce good tidings and warn them (2: 213). Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) does not claim to be the founder of Islam, but he holds that all prophets preached and practised the truth and they prophessed only one religion for which the Arabic word is Islam.

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) preached the unity of God, which culminates into the unity of man exploding all the myths of caste, creed, colour, race, rank and region. The principle of human equality propounded by prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) as revealed by the Holy Quran naturally follows from the principle of the unity of human origin revolutionized social relations. It contrasted sharply with the laws governing the class-ridden and caste-stricken societies of the Roman, Byzantine, Iranian and, later on, of the Indian empires.


The model world, according to Islam, is a world of peace. Islam in itself means a religion of peace. The Quran says, "And God calls to the home of peace". This is the message of Islam to mankind. It means that 'build a world of peace on earth so that you may be granted peace in your eternal life in the hereafter'. According to Islam, the three basic elements of building a peace culture are: Compassion, Forgiveness and Respect for all.

Let's take compassion first. There are many verses in the holy Quran and hadith, which emphasize on compassion. For instance, the Prophet said: "O people, be compassionate to others so that you may be granted compassion by God." Thus, Islam makes compassion a matter of self-interest for every man and also motivates us to be compassionate in our dealings with each other. One who wants to receive God's grace will have to show compassion to others. 

Regarding forgiveness, the Quran says, "When they are angered, they forgive," Quran has number of verses that promote forgiveness. Once a person came to the Prophet and asked him, "O Prophet, give me an advice by which I may be able to manage all the affairs of my life." The Prophet replied: "Don't be angry. Even if people provoke you, don't lose temper and forgive those who make you angry. Adopt forgiveness as your behavior." 

Now let's take the third principle, respect for all. There is a very interesting story, recorded by Al-Bukhari in this regard. The Prophet once saw a funeral procession passing by a street in Madina. The Prophet was seated at that time. On seeing the funeral, the Prophet stood up in respect. At this one of his companions said: 'O Prophet, it was the funeral of a Jew (not a Muslim).' The Prophet replied: 'Was he not a human being?' 

He said that every human being is worthy of respect. There may be differences among people regarding religion and culture, but everyone has to respect the other. Because Islam says that all men and women are brothers and sisters. And all are creatures of one and the same God. 

These three principles are the basic pillars, which can lead to the formation of a peaceful society. Wherever these three values are to be found the result no doubt will be a society of peace and harmony.

The above references are enough to show that Islam is a culture of peace. It is true that some Muslims are engaged in violence in the name of Islam. But you will have to differentiate between Islam and Muslims. You have to see Muslims in the light of Islam and not vice versa.

The Arabic word ISLAM means Peace, Submission and Obedience .The religion of ISLAM is the complete acceptance of the teachings and guidance of god as reveled to his PROPHET MOHAMMAD (S.A.W)

A Muslim is one who believes in ALLAH and strives for total reorganization of his life according to his revealed guidance and the sayings of the PROPHET MOHAMMAD (S.A.W). He also works for building human society on the same basics. ISLAM gives the message of peace, brother hood, love and serving the mankind .if we break up the word ISLAM we will find.

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From the Oasis cities of MAKKAH and MADINA in the Arabian Desert, the message of ISLAM went forth with electrifying speed. Within half century ISLAM had spread to three continents. A fallacious charge is frequently brought against ISLAM that it was forced at the point of sword, although the true fact is otherwise. ISLAM is not the religion of Sword nor did it spread primarily by means of war .It spreaded because of its appeal. It was the faith in one god and emphasis upon his mercy that brought vast numbers of people into the fold of ISLAM .the new religion did not coerce people to convert. Many continued to remain same of there own religion to which they belonged and if we look we will find that different communities are living in Muslim lands.

Moreover the spread of ISLAM was not limited to its miraculous early expansion outside of ARABIA. During later centuries the Turks embraced ISLAM peacefully, as did a large number of the people of the Indian continent and the Malay-speaking world. In Africa also, ISLAM has spread during the past two centuries even under the mighty power of European colonial rulers. today also ISLAM continues to grow not only in AFRICA but also in Europe, America and in different parts of world where Muslim now comprise a notable majority.

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